Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Birthday Stats!

I took Ellie to her 12 month checkup yesterday.  Here are her stats:

Height: 30in (77%)
Weight: 19lb 8oz (25%)
Head Circumference: 40cm (50%)

I talked to Dr. Huval about a couple of my concerns, including that Ellie's toes point inward a bit when she walks. Dr. Huval watched her walk, and pronounced her perfectly normal :) She said that since she started walking so early, it's likely just due to her tiny little legs getting themselves all settled into walking position.

She also commented a bit on her weight because I was concerned that she's been dropping in percentiles, but she said to just do what I can to add calories to her diet. She said with as active as Ellie is, she's just burning more calories than she's taking in, but she's still perfectly healthy :)

The only other concerning issue is that Miss E has a heart murmur, just like her big brother did at his 2 year checkup.  I'm not really concerned because we did this with Carter and it was just an innocent murmur, but I am still dreading the endless doctor's appointments and EKGs and chest x-rays.  But I'm going to just try and remember that I'm lucky she's healthy and get through it all and hope everything is ok.

So that's that.  My little girl is growing up!

1 comment:

Katie said...

Go Ellie! LOVE the dress. So frilly!