Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Books I'm Reading

I've added a new section to my blog - a list of links in the right hand navigation bar that lists the books I'm currently reading.  I got my lovely nook for Christmas last year, and the public library has finally gotten on the bandwagon to start offering ebooks!  FOR FREEEE!  I love free.

And since I have such an awful Mommy brain, I can't even remember the books I've read in the past.  So I decided to start keeping a list, so I could at least look back and see what I read recently.  Hopefully this will keep me going and continue to inspire me to prioritize reading for pleasure in my life.  It's so easy to get sidetracked and only read school related novels, but reading is just like therapy for me - I need it.  So here I go :)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Baby steps

I knew it was coming, but Miss Eliza still surprised and delighted me when she took her very first steps on Monday!  I'd noticed that she was standing a lot more lately, holding on to toys and then almost thinking about walking a bit.  On Monday afternoon, as Carter and I were sitting at the kitchen table, Ellie was standing next to me holding on, and then the next thing I knew, she had taken two steps on her own and grabbed onto the other dining room chair! I tried to get some video of her walking a bit for Daddy later, but  she did not cooperate with the video camera...or better yet, her brother did not cooperate.  I'll have to try again later, but for now, I'll need to get ready because Ellie is about to get a lot faster!!