Saturday, February 27, 2010

Eliza is 4 months old!

What a big girl! Her checkup isn't until next week, so I don't have her stats, but she is growing and changing so much these days. She recently discovered her tootsies, and uses every opportunity she can to get them in her mouth :) She's constantly moving around and rolling onto her side and over onto her belly sometimes, but she isn't a fan of tummy time and will almost immediately roll back onto her back if she somehow lands on her stomach.

She's also getting so much more interactive and interested in toys. She laughs at us a lot now, and loves to sit in her exersaucer and reaches out for the toys. She also loves to hang on to her toys when she's in her carseat. One of her all time favorite pastimes is admiring herself in the mirror :)

My baby girl - growing up so fast!

Those baby blues!

Somebody wants in on the action ;)


Thursday, February 18, 2010


Welllllll, almost ;) It was sunny and in the 60s today, so I took my little monkeys outside for a little Vitamin D! We had a lovely afternoon playing in the sunshine!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Beautiful blue eyes...

I don't really expect them to stay blue, but everyone seems to comment on her beautiful blue I tried to capture them so I can always remember how they look. I just know she'll be gorgeous no matter what.

Mardi Gras!

Carter looooves parades. Candy + toys + beads + firetrucks = one happy toddler! We headed out a few weeks ago to watch the Krewe of Rio, and again this morning to watch another Mardi Gras parade. It is precious to watch him get all excited and even wave and shout for beads :)

Carter's personality truly shows through at events like this - he is just like his dad. Quiet, soaking it all in, then as we leave, he starts chattering non stop about how much fun he had.

Chris and Jill even joined us (along with the Dubois family) and we had a great time. Even Miss Ellie liked admiring all the beads :)

From Mardi Gras

Who needs to be swaddled?

Not Eliza!

(confession: I still swaddle her sometimes even though we really need to stop...but she sleeps sooooo well! Boo!)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

It's ok because he's a boy, right?

On Saturday night, we went to a Mardi Gras parade downtown. My parents got there and parked in our library's parking lot (the parade route went right nearby), and said there was tons of spaces left. Of course when we got there, there were none...and Carter announces he has to pee. There is NO WHERE for him to pee, so Ryan drops us off next to my parents car and I let him pee right in between the car doors. Bad Mom, but what was I supposed to do?! LOL It's Mardi Gras. Everyone pees outside.

So then on Tuesday, I brought Ellie and Carter to the gym daycare. As I was putting Ellie back in the car (snapping her infant carrier in), I hear Carter (who was instructed to stand right behind me while I snapped Ellie in). He says, "Mama, I have to pee!" and I turned around and HIS PANTS WERE DOWN and he was peeing in the parking lot!!!

Oh no. I guess I need to explain that it's SOMETIMES ok to pee outside, but mostly, IT'S NOT! :)

Monday, February 8, 2010


Is kicking my booty. Even though I'm only working half-days. I still get home at noon and then spin spin spin the afternoon, washing bottles, pump parts, cleaning and refreshing the coffee pot, repacking the diaper bag.

Lather, rinse, repeat. Do it all again tomorrow.

I have been snapping some pics of my charming children (who both napped at the SAME TIME today! which gave ME a chance to nap!!), so here they are - our life in pictures for the last week. I hope I get more time on my hands to capture in writing what they are all up to lately. Time slips away and they just keep growing. I don't want to forget anything.

Doesn't he look like he's up to no good?

Not so much a fan of tummy time!

He loves her so much. I have years of trouble ahead ;)


Even Ellie was awake (and unfortunately, fussy)