Sunday, September 5, 2010

Africa and other adventures.

Ryan left last Wednesday for a work trip to Equitorial Guinea.  It's been just five days so far without him, and both the kids and I are terribly lonesome.  This is the longest amount of time we've been apart in a long time, definitely the longest since we had children.  Carter started preschool a couple of weeks ago, and this week was a bit tough for him, probably partly because of the changes, including Daddy being gone.  Carter keeps talking about Africa and we've tried to discuss where it is, including looking at pictures on the internet, but he's only 3 and of course, he just doesn't quite get it.  Luckily Ryan will be home on Thursday and we hope the days go by quickly until then.

I spent this past weekend in Fairhope celebrating the lovely Rene Repp's 30th birthday.  Pics to come!

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