Monday, April 26, 2010

Ellie is 6 months old!

I can't believe my baby girl is HALF of a year old already!! Her 6 month appt is next week, but last week she weighed 15lbs 2oz, so I anticipate she'll be pushing 16 lbs. She's currently eating some veggies and loving them (unlike 2 weeks ago). She giggles constantly and is the smiliest happy baby ever. She is also a magical sleeper and I can put her down wide awake and she snuggles with her blanket and Nuk and crashes. She has also slept all night long twice in the past three nights.

Love my baby girl...

Hmm, what's this?

Tiny fingers and tiny toes

Wiggle worm!!

Destined to be a ballerina?

Loving her big brother

And this is what I have to work with...she tries to get the paper the ENTIRE time I'm taking pictures

Happy 6 months Ellie!

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