Ellie got the tubes put in her ears this morning. She was an absolute DOLL when we woke her up, and was cooing and flirting and making sweet eyes at all the other patients in the waiting room. We had to arrive at 7:00am, so I was concerned about not being able to feed her, but she was so incredibly cheerful and happy. All of the nurses came by to see her and to oooh and ahhh over her. She was doing all of her tricks, including patting and rocking her baby, making sweet eyes, and waving bye-bye.
They didn't even have to give her the "happy juice" that makes the kids loopy and easier to remove from the parents. She went with the nurse happily, and by the time Ryan and I got to the waiting room, sat down for just a second, they called us back to meet with Dr. Eldredge. The surgery went perfectly, and Ellie had a lot of fluid in her ears, but it wasn't really infected so hopefully we shouldn't see too much drainage or any fever in her tonight.
Within another 5 minutes or so, they called us back because she was waking up. She was fussing a bit in the nurse's arms, but they told me she was a rock star waking up, hardly fussing at all. Once she saw me, she started really crying and wanted to nurse, so I did, and she was pretty fussy for about a half hour while we waited in recovery. But she crashed in the car on the way home and is still sleeping an hour later, so hopefully she'll take a big fat nap and wake up feeling much better.
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