Thursday, July 15, 2010

Three Years

Can it really be?  Has it really been three years since that precious blue bundle of joy came into my life?

Three years ago tonight, I lay in my hospital bed as the IV machine beeped and my sweet baby boy kicked inside my belly. The nurse asked me if I was excited...and I actually told her no. I was so incredibly anxious about the impending labor, and the fear of the unknowns that came with motherhood were so overwhelming that I couldn't imagine what it would all be like.

And then:

Then Ryan first said, "It's a boy!!" The moment that Carter was born, it was as if I'd known him all my life. I just looked down at Carter, and the love just flooded through me unlike any other moment in the world. I looked down at him and said, "Hi Buddy," and he just looked right back at me, like he'd known me as well. It was the most magical moment of my life. Had I known how wonderful it would all be, I most certainly would have told that nurse that yes, I was excited. He has brought me more joy than I could ever have imagined. He made me into a mother.

"I hope that my child, looking back on today

Will remember a mother who had time to play;

Because children grow up while you're not looking,

There are years ahead for cleaning and cooking.

So, quiet now cobwebs, dust go to sleep.

I'm rocking my baby, and babies don't keep."

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