Thursday, February 11, 2010

It's ok because he's a boy, right?

On Saturday night, we went to a Mardi Gras parade downtown. My parents got there and parked in our library's parking lot (the parade route went right nearby), and said there was tons of spaces left. Of course when we got there, there were none...and Carter announces he has to pee. There is NO WHERE for him to pee, so Ryan drops us off next to my parents car and I let him pee right in between the car doors. Bad Mom, but what was I supposed to do?! LOL It's Mardi Gras. Everyone pees outside.

So then on Tuesday, I brought Ellie and Carter to the gym daycare. As I was putting Ellie back in the car (snapping her infant carrier in), I hear Carter (who was instructed to stand right behind me while I snapped Ellie in). He says, "Mama, I have to pee!" and I turned around and HIS PANTS WERE DOWN and he was peeing in the parking lot!!!

Oh no. I guess I need to explain that it's SOMETIMES ok to pee outside, but mostly, IT'S NOT! :)

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