I am so lucky that I'm able to work just half-days this month, but in some ways, that makes my life even more hectic. It feels like I have half-time at work and half-time at home...and therefore get nothing done at work and nothing done at home!
I think Carter is a little stressed by all the changes too because at night he tends to pull at either Ryan or I and say, "Noo, read to me! Play with me!" And then we have to sit in his room and give him our full attention. As hard as it is to leave the dirty dishes in the sink and the laundry in the basket, that time spent with him is so worth it and I try to remember that that is the only thing that matters.
I also had to turn my New Years' resolution from "take a picture every day" to "take a picture most days when I remember and the camera battery is charged." haha I've already FAILED at the first resolution, but I'm trying to take a picture most days. I know how fast the kiddos will grow this year. So here are a few pictures from the last week and hopefully I can keep it up!
Little Miss Houdini broke out of her Miracle Blanket

LOVE the boots Nanny TT gave her :)

About to roll...
Beautiful girl
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