I busted out of the hospital for an hour yesterday, to go home and shower, and our pediatrician called me while I was gone. This explains the diaper rash, gas, and upset stomach. I'm just so incredibly upset about it. The biggest dangers now are that it can leave her stomach and affect her organs and/or joints. As a result, we are doing five days of IV antibiotics then another five days at home. So we aren't leaving the hospital until at least Wednesday.
The nurse took pity on me and got me a bed instead of the couch I was sleeping on. I'm so upset for her. My heart really breaks for people with seriously ill children because this is HARD.
She was in a better mood yesterday, but today, her diaper rash is so awful that she's been really fussy again. She did perk up when she was 'talking' to her daddy though :) I think she'll be a daddy's girl, judging from these pictures. He can always make her smile.
Here are some pictures from the last day or two:
All these smiles are for Daddy!
Poor Carter just couldn't go anymore!
I have to stay here HOW long?
That is one funny Daddy!
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