Carter and I attempted to take advantage of the springtime (as well as my remaining part-time working days) by heading to the park twice this week.
The first trip was on Monday and we went to a tiny little park in River Ranch. I've never attempted a park outing post-potty training, so I wasn't prepared for the inevitable "I need to pee pee!!" And OF COURSE there are no bathrooms available for public use. So I put on my mommy creative hat and think, ok, he can pee in one of Ellie's diapers and then we can just throw it out and go about our day...which he thought was HILARIOUS...but didn't actually do anything. We got out of the car and went back to the park. Then I hear again, "I need to pee pee." We walked back to the car. "I don't need to pee pee." We walked back to the park. "I need to pee pee." WE LEFT. FAIL.
Yesterday we planned a trip to the small playground next to Holy Cross Church with Lindsay, Julia and Catherine, as well as our friend Ashley and her precious little girl Jane. As we drove out there, I noticed it was sunny but there were some stray raindrops on my windshield. We arrived at the park and opened the door to a blast of cold wind, but decided to try and tough it out. But about 30 minutes later, the raindrops became a steady drizzle and we had to leave again. FAIL.
The good news was that Carter seemed at first to be very cautious and shy around the slides and other big equipment, but as we spent more time there, he definitely seemed to warm up to it. We are hoping to send him to the Mother's Day Out program at Holy Cross Church next school year, so we'll be spending more time at the playground and hopefully get him used to it.
Since we were rained out of our park trip yesterday, we decided to have a mini-photo shoot in the garage. Ellie had on the cutest outfit for her inaugural playdate and I didn't want it to go to waste! ;)