Saturday, June 27, 2009
The worst travel day...
After a looooong ten hour drive (that should have been about six and a half), involving a cranky toddler and a flat tire in Crappy Town, Mississippi, we finally made it!! The beach is gorgeous. It's good to be home in Destin!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Destin, here we come!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
I couldn't find Carter today...
so I called out for him and he said "whaaaaat?" I followed the sound of his voice until I found this :). I guess he's destined to be a techie geek like his Mama.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
This hits close to home!
How To Deal With A Talkative Child Before You’ve Had Caffeine
By Cecily Kellog of Uppercase Woman
1. Make your partner do it.
If your schedule allows, alternate with your partner who gets up with the kid. That way at least half of the week you will have an opportunity to stretch, brush your teeth, and maybe sneak in a cup of coffee before you have to engage with your super chatty kid. Or if you’re like me, you stay in bed just a bit longer so by the time you face your child, said child has wound down a bit.
2. Stay in bed.
If your child is either in a crib or safe in his or her room, stay in bed until that first burst of chipper, happy observation of everything has passed. That way, the stuffed animals nearby will get the bulk of the morning monologue, and you can slowly wake up in the other room while listening to the happy murmur. Once the talking begins to slow down a bit, only then head on in to the kid’s room and get the day started.
3. Use Ear Plugs.
If you are like me and have a husband that snores loudly enough to wake the dead, you might also wear earplugs. When it’s my turn to get up with the kiddo, I often leave the earplugs in and just nod my head and smile while she lights into her litany of what animal slept with her and what color the walls are and why, yes, that IS Hello Kitty on her pajamas. Once we get downstairs, I take them out, and start in on the caffeine.
4. Quit caffeine.
If you aren’t addicted to caffeine, you wake up more alert and with your tush firmly attached to your body, not dragging behind you in your wake. Ha! Who am I kidding? What a silly idea.
I wish I had better advice, but some days, you just have to tolerate it. Little kids brains grow at the astonishing rate of 250,000 cells a minute and part of that growth involves their language centers. When they wake up in the morning, they’ve usually had a lovely ten to twelve hours of sleep, and so naturally they feel quite well rested and happy and eager to share their joy with the world. Sadly, we adults count ourselves lucky to get six hours of sleep a night and, you know, we’re OLD, so our brains don’t have that same lovely flare of happy energy first thing in the morning. So, the only way to deal with it is just enjoy it while the coffee brews.
Happy Father's Day!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Happy Anniversary!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Because bedtime has been such a nightmare lately: a bad iPhone pic of the video monitor
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Monday, June 15, 2009
Fun-filled weekend with Sutton (part II): The Audubon Zoo
The fountain we were dying to jump into...
Elephants!! They were enormous and so close...they were drinking water and we thought we'd get sprayed by stinky elephant water but luckily, we were safe:
Melting, but staying hydrated :)
Our baby girl's first trip to the zoo:
So appealing...
What do monkeys do??
Sweet Sutton
Carter's still asking to go to the zoo a day later, so I know we'll be heading back there soon...hopefully when it's cooler!!
Fun-filled weekend with Sutton (part I): The Children's Museum
Climbing in the play center
The mini-store:
Driving the ambulance:
Maybe he'll follow in Jarrain and TT's footsteps?
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Halfway there!
Monday, June 8, 2009
Carter is going to be the best big brother.
He turned to my belly again and said, "Brown bear, brown bear, what do YOU see, Baby?" It was from his current obsession: