So, I was really curious to see how he'd do this year.
It started off slowly, and Carter was SILENT when we got there and met up with the Dubois. Thanks to his Nonnie, we were able to take Carter in his little red wagon and he was SO excited about that. But once we got downtown, he just shut down completely and was quiet and taking it all in. We tried and tried to get him to talk to his beloved Boo Boo and the other kids there, but he wouldn't do it.
So the parade started with the usual police officers on motorcycles, and the first batch came through very loudly. Carter looked at them and didn't seem bothered, but then a second batch came through and it was so loud that it scared him completely! He just started to cry and cling to me.
Once they passed on, I gave Carter over to his dad and they stood on the front lines where Carter's cuteness earned them a ton of beads, stuffed animals, and other goodies :)