This weekend, after we left Gaspard Hotel on Saturday, we moseyed on down to the Christmas Festival in Historic Natchitoches. I've been to Natchitoches once (when I was a kid) but I didn't remember it and I had never gone to see their Christmas lights.
I was very pleasantly surprised when we arrived on Front Street. It was a brick paved road with lots of little shops and restaurants along one side, and a steep embankment on the other side that led to the river. I was not so pleasantly surprised by the traffic, but we got parked and I got Carter into his stroller and off we went.
Immediately we met up with Kayla's friend Barrett and his family, and we walked down to the river while we waited for a table at Mama's Oyster House. Unfortunately, with the steep embankment to get to the river came a very steep set of stairs. And I had Carter's stroller to wrestle with. Not fun. Thankfully Barrett and his dad saved the day by helping me get Carter down. The lights were very pretty!

After a quick stroll down there, we headed back up the steep stairs again to eat dinner with the Berards and of course, snap some more pictures!

There was a fireworks display at 7pm, but unfortunately, Carter was not impressed with it at all! The noise must have really scared him, so we stayed back for a while, then headed BACK down the steep steps once again (thanks to some strangers who helped me get the stroller down the stairs!) It was lovely out, but Carter had enough by that point so we hit the road and headed back home to Daddy.