Don't be jealous, people, but this very morning I, along with Carter, Amie, Nanny Kayla, Nonnie Christina, Kay-Kay, and baby Gracie, attended the one and only Sesame Street Live!
It was amazingly similar to the pictures I have of 1980s Sesame Street Live, complete with Sesame Street banners and glowing lights (though technology has improved! See pics for evidence).
When we first got into the Cajundome, Carter was a bit sleepy because he had woken up kind of early, so he was remarkably laid back and just taking it all in. When the lights when down, he leaned back on me, seeming to be a bit unsure of it all...but then the character came out singing and dancing. Carter looked at them for a second, and I was afraid that he was going to be scared of them and not have fun...but instead he looked over, pointed, and shouted, "Elmo!!" We all laughed because he seemed to just GET it in one second!
The rest of the show included him watching and laughing, and then laying back and relaxing, then getting up again to watch, etc. It also involved an $8 Elmo balloon, a $15 light up spinning Elmo toy, and of course a $8 program. Materialism, shmaterialism.
All in all, it was an exciting morning for a very happy baby boy, and we were glad to be there to share it with him.